Vol 19 (4) 2001
What is at Stake in Lacanian Theory – Christian Demoulin
On Mania or the Metonymical Derailment: a Reading of Binswangers Über Ideenflucht -Piet Vanclooster
Vygotsky and Winnicott: a Theoretical Underpinning for the Importance of Play in Child-Analysis – Jeroen Donckers
Peirces Concept of a Sign and the Lacanian Signifier – Bart De Lepeleire
The Treatment of the Signifier for Children with Autism – Luc Moreels
From the Mirages of Knowing to the Docta Ignorantia, a reading of “Variantes de la cure-type” – Veroniek Knockaert
Logical time. A concept illustrated by the clinic – Mark Adriaensen
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Logical time. A concept illustrated by the clinic
This article is in three parts. The first part follows J.-A. Miller's thinking on the unconscious as a subject, as a want-to-be, which gives it an ethical, rather than an ontological, status. This way of thinking is not only in opposition to, but in my opinion also in...
From the Mirages of Knowing to the Docta Ignorantia, a reading of “Variantes de la cure-type”
This article offers a close reading of Lacan's text "Variantes de la cure-type". Starting from the notion of deviation implicit in the title of this work, it is situated in the context of the institutional crises that marked the history of psychoanalysis in France in...
The Treatment of the Signifier for Children with Autism
The recent term of Disorder of the autismspectrum makes clear that nowadays autism becomes more and more an all-embracing, even empty diagnosis. Beyond this problematic labeling, Psychoanalysis deals with the symptom of the subject as a particular solution for the...
Peirces Concept of a Sign and the Lacanian Signifier
According to Peirce the essence of the sign lies in its triadic interrelated structure, namely: a representamen, an object and an interpretant, in which the object is brought in relation to an interpretant by the representamen, such that the interpretant is, in turn,...
Vygotsky and Winnicott: a Theoretical Underpinning for the Importance of Play in Child-Analysis
This paper is based on the experience of watching a piece of theatre in which children dub the dialogues of adults. In order to account for the observation that this dubbing as a form of repetition produces a gain without actually adding anything, we formulate the...
On Mania or the Metonymical Derailment: a Reading of Binswangers Über Ideenflucht
This article reexamines Binswanger's construction of the manic form of Being-in-the-world as formulated in his Über Ideenflucht (1933). On the one hand, we confront Binswanger's phenomenological approach of the flight of ideas inspired by Heidegger's thinking with the...
What is at Stake in Lacanian Theory
It is argued that what is at stake in psychoanalytic theory, is first of all psychoanalytic practice, i.e. the endeavour to guide the psychoanalyst in bringing his conception of his experience above the level of common sense knowledge. Secondly, psychoanalytic theory...