Vol 19 (3) 2001
About Lacanian Practice: Ethics, Technique, and the Clinic versus Today’s Discontent of Desire – Christian Demoulin
The Formation of the Psychoanalyst – Antonio Di Ciaccia
There’s more than the Real. The so-called Abandonment of the Seduction Theory and the Incest Recovery Movement – Marc De Cuyper
Che vuoi: About the “Desire of the Analyst” – Josée Roymans
Remembering versus Repeating – Veroniek Knockaert
Reconstruction of the Symbiotic Origin of the Subject – Jeroen Donckers
With Serge Tisseron: Looking for the Family Secret of Hergé – Filip Geerardyn
The Laws of Repetition, A Meditation – Julien Quackelbeen
Brief 139 aan Wilhem Fliess
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The Laws of Repetition, A Meditation
In this meditation, the author enumerates, in reference to his clinical practise as well as to his reading of Freud and Lacan, six laws of repetition: 1. repetition is continuous; 2. repetition operates in function of life; 3. repetition does not come down to mere...
With Serge Tisseron: Looking for the Family Secret of Hergé
In this paper Serge Tisseron's analysis of the work of Georges Remi is revisited from a Lacanian point of view. Special attention is paid to the function of the signifier and to the function of narrative in the phenomenon of the transmission of the unsaid. Hergé's...
Reconstruction of the Symbiotic Origin of the Subject
The article deals with the idea that the origin of the becoming of the subject is symbiotic. After a historical introduction, this concept is explored as well from a developmental as from a deferred perspective. The insurmountable problems arising during these...
Remembering versus Repeating
Taking Kierkegaard, i.e. one of Lacan's main references with respect to the notion of repetition, as a starting point, the author firstly situates this reference in Lacan's seminar. It is argued that Lacan confronts Kierkegaard's notion of repetition with the Platonic...
Che vuoi: About the “Desire of the Analyst”
This article investigates the Lacanian notion of the "desire of the analyst". Several topics are discussed concerning this enigmatic desire. First of all, the author argues against the conception that the analyst has no desire to cure. Also discussed is the notion...
There’s more than the Real. The so-called Abandonment of the Seduction Theory and the Incest Recovery Movement
The recognition of the prevalence of incest and sexual abuse, coincides with a new focus on the seduction theory. The person and the work of Freud are vehemently attacked, first and above all by the Incest Recovery Movement. As a rule, their criticisms are embedded in...
The Formation of the Psychoanalyst
The formation of the psychoanalyst is not the formation of the psychotherapist. On the one side psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are different. On the other side psychoanalysis includes a therapeutical side. But then that the State can see psychoanalysis as a form of...
About Lacanian Practice: Ethics, Technique, and the Clinic versus Today’s Discontent of Desire
Rejecting the formalism of the IPA, lacanian practice is subject to the technique of Speaking Well. The cure is a dialectical experience aimed at desire which moreover affects jouissance. The analyst engages his or her subjectivity, judgement and desire in the cure....