Vol 20 (2) 2002
Interior Designs. Approaches to the Mind in the Greco-Roman World – Josine Blok
Repression in Antiquity? – Charles Stewart
Medieval Dreams. A Sample of Historical and Psychological Criticism – Rudi Künzel
Bertulf or Galbert? Considerations Regarding a Sample of Historical and Psychoanalytical Criticism of Medieval Dreams – Jeroen Deploige
Purity and Danger in Fin-de-Siècle Culture: A Psycho historical Interpretation of Wagner, Stoker and Zola – Arnold Labrie
Mentalities of Political Catholicism in Austria – Eveline List
Freud and the Haizmann Affair – Christian Renoux
Over het psychisch mechanisme van de vergeetachtigheid
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Freud and the Haizmann Affair
In 1923 Freud published an essay on the application of psychoanalysis to a case of demonic possession and liberation through exorcism in baroque Austria. For the psychoanalyst working with archival material, it is a matter of rediscovering neurotic ailments under a...
Mentalities of Political Catholicism in Austria
Taking the actual political situation in Austria as her starting point, the author provides a psychoanalytical inspired historical reflection. Traditionally, it was religion that structured the inner and outer world of people. It is argued that in Austria this was...
Purity and Danger in Fin-de-Siècle Culture: A Psycho historical Interpretation of Wagner, Stoker and Zola
According to the anthropologist Mary Douglas, the quest for purity is usually accompanied by fears of change, ambiguity and transgression. Translating Douglas' insights into historical terms, one may assume that sensibilities about what is pure and what is impure will...
Bertulf or Galbert? Considerations Regarding a Sample of Historical and Psychoanalytical Criticism of Medieval Dreams
This is a review article on Rudi Künzel's proposed historical and psychoanalytical critique of medieval dreams. Firstly, the authenticity criteria proposed by Künzel are discussed critically. In particular, doubts are raised about an excessively strict distinction...
Medieval Dreams. A Sample of Historical and Psychological Criticism
Accounts of the contents of dreams in medieval texts can be the result of a process that occurred in stages: first the dreaming, then the narrating and finally the recording. First, someone dreams a dream. He remembers it and tells it to himself as it were; then he...
Repression in Antiquity?
Freud made the assumption that the ancients were not repressed and this view is widespread today. This paper subjects this idea to critical scrutiny beginning with a consideration of what is understood by the term "repression" itself. Dreams are privileged as a means...
Interior Designs. Approaches to the Mind in the Greco-Roman World
Modern psychology is based on a conception of the human psyche as a faculty in its own right. Among its qualities is the psyche's natural propensity to operate semi-autonomously, acting according to rules of its own. Such a view of the human psyche as an active...