Vol 32 (1) 2014
What is playing? – Marie-Pierre Lassus
The Space of Play and Psychoanalysis – Marie Lenormand
The Fabrication of the Story Line: Fantasy and Creation of Narrative Fiction in Patrick Corillon’s Work – Sarah Willems
The Play-Drive and the Cosmic Child – Holger Schmid
Play and Pictorial Space in Collective Works by CoBrA Movement – Emmanuelle Duguet
Isabelle Le Gouic’s Play on Words – Anouck Cape
Isabelle Le Gouic’s Play on Words
For several years, Isabelle Le Gouic has been developing a multifaceted work combining poetry, drawing and music. The relationship to space, conceived as a psychic space as well as a game, is fundamental in her creations. Her literary work is based on sets of skilful...
Play and Pictorial Space in Collective Works by CoBrA Movement
In the shared space around a work, the one who draws and the one who watches actually do the same thing: they play with matter and imagination. Based on playing and spontaneity, CoBrA movement collective creations were an opportunity to mix up the "distributions"...
The Play-Drive and the Cosmic Child
Starting from the concept of a "play-drive" as introduced by Friedrich Schiller in his Letters on Aesthetic Education, the present study explores this concept at the interface of the crossroads between philosophy, anthropology, and aesthetics. In order to grasp what...
The Fabrication of the Story Line: Fantasy and Creation of Narrative Fiction in Patrick Corillon’s Work
Le Benshi d'Angers (The Benshi of Angers, 2011), a performance by the contemporary artist Patrick Corillon, during which the artist tells the story of a fictive daydream, constitutes the starting point of this contribution. The author's analysis of the work has led...
The Space of Play and Psychoanalysis
Many psychoanalytic theories address the question of the space of play. Based on Freud, the author first of all tries to show that the originality of psychoanalysis lets us consider the space of play as a scene (Bühne) which opens onto the Other Scene, the...
What is playing?
Playing, for a musician, is not reducible to the production of notes but involves entering into resonance with the movement of music through different levels of integration of the gesture. Between sounds and silences a "space in movement" wells up, creator of a new...