Vol 35 (3) 2017
Editoriaal – Jasper Feyaerts
An extraordinary observatory – Dries Dulsster
En rencontrant le gai savoir: La fin de l’analyse comme l’analyse de la fin – Dany Nobus
In The Course Of Events Everything Will Become Clear: Repetition and Temporality in Lacan’s early Seminars – Clare-Aloyse Murphy
La “cassure vocale”: Trois variations sur la jouissance vocale – Bernard Baas
Angst en object vanuit Lacan – Paul Verhaeghe
An extraordinary observatory
In recent years, there has been a call for qualitative research in addition to quantitative research. When we can observe that a change occured within therapy, it is interesting to understand what this transformation has been and to grasp the cause of this change. The...
Towards Gay Science: The End of Analysis as the Analysis of the End
In an attempt to account for the end (the goal, the direction) of the psychoanalytic treatment, Jacques Lacan has formulated quite a few principles and ideas over the course of his seminars and writings. Amongst these principles, the notion of the ‘traversal of the...
In The Course Of Events Everything Will Become Clear: Repetition and Temporality in Lacan’s early Seminars
This paper looks at how the concepts of repetition and temporality were being conceptualised at the early stage of Lacan’s work in terms of his interest in cybernetics, and explores how repetition and temporality were being brought together within the overarching...