Vol 33 (3) 2015
Psychoanalytical Playing: Psychoanalysis of the Process of Artistic Creation in the Work of Patrick Corillon – Sarah Willems
“Shining” a Light on Psychosis and Triggers to its Violent Expression – Eve Watson
Abstracting the Real in Take Shelter – Cormac Doherty
Pasolini’s “Teorem”: Psychoanalysis of a “New” Subject – Jens Anthoons
A Theoretical Impasse? The Concept of the Symbolic in Melanie Klein and Jacques Lacan – Nikolay Mintchev
The Scandalous Fact of Fetishism: Charcot and Magnan, Binet and von Krafft-Ebing – David Hendrickx
The Scandalous Fact of Fetishism: Charcot and Magnan, Binet and von Krafft-Ebing
In this article, I discuss Freud's theory of fetishism and the most important resources he draws on to elaborate his theory, namely, three texts from the end of the 19th century, Charcot and Magnan's "Genital Inversions, and Other Sexual Perversions" (1882), Alfred...
A Theoretical Impasse? The Concept of the Symbolic in Melanie Klein and Jacques Lacan
This article provides a theoretical clarification of "the symbolic" in Kleinian and Lacanian psychoanalysis and argues for further conceptual research into its implications for psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice. What is striking about the Kleinian and...
Pasolini’s “Teorem”: Psychoanalysis of a “New” Subject
Pasolini describes himself as a "scandal of self-contradiction" (Pasolini, 1957). He brings a subject who assumes the radical split that runs through the subjective field. With his poetry of permanent dissidence he taunts power in which desire and her laws are...
Abstracting the Real in Take Shelter
This paper explores psychosis in Jeff Nichols' 2011 film Take Shelter, bringing into proximity Lacan's concept of foreclosure with Korzybski's concept of abstraction. Lacan conceptualises psychosis as the individual encountering life experiences that cannot be...
“Shining” a Light on Psychosis and Triggers to its Violent Expression
Stephen's King's brilliant and terrifying novel, The Shining, is an exploration of inter-generational psychosis in a family. The novel gives a multi-layered account of paranoid psychosis and provides a narrative framing of the development of a psychosis to a violent...
Psychoanalytical Playing: Psychoanalysis of the Process of Artistic Creation in the Work of Patrick Corillon
The article presents the "psychoanalytical playing" method used as part of a project inspired by psychoanalysis set in place by the writer collaborating with the contemporary artist Patrick Corillon, for the purpose of clarifying the process of artistic creation in...