Vol 34 (4) 2016
Esprit de corps, Work transference and dissolution: Lacan as an organizational theorist – Dany Nobus
The Future of an Illusion: Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis – Jasper Feyaerts
The Logic of the Subject in Conflict with Involuntary Commitment – Davinia Schoutteten
Kwaliteitszorg, Psyche, Lichaam, Regels, Agressie – Joyce van der Heijden
The Wanderings of Jouissance, with the Object a in the Pocket: On Differential Diagnosis in Psychosis – Dries Dulsster
The Function of the Gaze and the Mother-Child Relationship in the Subjectification of a Physically Disabled Child – Bram Deeren
Lacan’s analytic goal: Le sinthome or the feminine way – Paul Verhaeghe & Frédéric Declercq
Borderline – Lieven Jonckheere
Esprit de corps, Work transference and dissolution: Lacan as an organizational theorist
Compared to the major impact Jacques Lacan's theory of psychoanalysis has had on the widest range of disciplines in the arts and humanities, and in the social sciences, its reception in organizational studies has been relatively slow. This is often explained with...
The Future of an Illusion: Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis
Starting from Sellars' distinction between the manifest and scientific portrayals of man, we will develop three different philosophical readings of the possible consequences of this opposition with regard to the question of subjectivity: Dennett's philosophical...
The Logic of the Subject in Conflict with Involuntary Commitment
Involuntary commitment and psychoanalysis: how can they be reconciled? Involuntary commitment marks something within the subject, just as a crisis does. Within the moment of a crisis, the overwhelming real is initially limited via a literal restriction of the freedom...
Safety first: The Focus on the Body in Psychological Care
This paper was written on the occasion of the third edition of the "Prize for humane mental health care", organized by the psychiatric hospital in Sleidinge. It is an account of my first year as a social worker in mental health care, in which I focus on the struggle...
The Wanderings of Jouissance, with the Object a in the Pocket: On Differential Diagnosis in Psychosis
In clinical practice, when confronted with a suspected psychosis, it is critical that, beyond simply providing a label, the diagnosis is verified and further specified with regard to the particular psychotic structure: paranoia, schizophrenia, mania, melancholia or...
The Function of the Gaze and the Mother-Child Relationship in the Subjectification of a Physically Disabled Child
Physically disabled children suffer from the gaze of the people they meet and with whom they interact. They are confronted with their difference and are obliged to take up a position against this confrontation. First, through a review of relevant literature the author...
Lacan’s analytic goal: Le sinthome or the feminine way
This article focuses both on Lacan's elaborations of the etiology of symptoms and the related question of the end of analysis. Starting in the 70's, Lacan concentrates on a further elaboration concerning Freud's notion of the fixation of the partial drives as the...
As a diagnosis, borderline constitutes the intersection of all postfreudian errors concerning anxiety. On the side of the analyst the borderline-diagnosis avoids his horror towards his own act, his traumatic anxiety towards the real of his desire or his discourse...