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From the Mirages of Knowing to the Docta Ignorantia, a reading of “Variantes de la cure-type”

This article offers a close reading of Lacan’s text “Variantes de la cure-type”. Starting from the notion of deviation implicit in the title of this work, it is situated in the context of the institutional crises that marked the history of psychoanalysis in France in the period between 1953 and 1964. A second step dismantles the question of variations on the standard-cure as a pleonasm. In an attempt to avoid the aporia this implies, Lacan recenters the question around the position of the analyst in the field that founds itself in the relation of the subject to speech. The notion of narcissism as a function of the death drive and as the basis of knowledge is then introduced. Where common knowledge functions as a shield, a symptomatic manifestation of our own passion for ignorance, it has to be concluded that in the formation of the analyst a changed relation to knowledge holds a central place, a relation that permits the analyst to find his standard in a docta ignorantia.

Che vuoi: About the “Desire of the Analyst”

This article investigates the Lacanian notion of the “desire of the analyst”. Several topics are discussed concerning this enigmatic desire. First of all, the author argues against the conception that the analyst has no desire to cure. Also discussed is the notion that the views of the analyst about “health” have ethical and technical consequences. The author conceives health here as a matter of wanting to know about one’s own unconscious. One of the crucial paths towards this knowledge is via transference, as the encounter between two supposed knowing subjects. The ways in which the transference is evoked, its relationship to love, the paths it follows, its ending and modalities of interpretation are discussed.

The Formation of the Psychoanalyst

The formation of the psychoanalyst is not the formation of the psychotherapist. On the one side psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are different. On the other side psychoanalysis includes a therapeutical side. But then that the State can see psychoanalysis as a form of psychotherapy – as it is the case in Italy – in fact it is the psychotherapy who receives her place and her validity, as she is inserted by the power of the word, that the field of psychoanalysis defines and circumscribes.

Care and Repetition: About good, truth and writing

This article deals with the formidable challenge of repetition for therapeutic or educational care. Two forms of repetition are differentiated: one driven by the Oedipal life drive, the other by the death drive. Through a close reading of the classic myth of Oedipus Rex, the encounter of these forms of repetition is demonstrated. This myth also offers three main perspectives from which this work may be grasped: good, truth and writing. Originating in a project for abandoned children in a school for special education (De Sassepoort), the possible benefits of assisting children through writing is supported.

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