Summary: With his twentieth seminar entitled Encore (Still, 1970-1971), Jacques Lacan places a ‘point’ at the end of a sentence constituted by the combined titles of the eighteenth (Of a Discourse that Might Not Be a Semblance, 1971-1972) and nineteenth (… Or Worse, 1972-1973) seminars. Returning to the fifth (1957-1958) and sixth (1958-1959) seminars, in which Lacan described, in the context of his ‘graph of desire’, the point as that what in a chain of signifiers functions as a stop retroactively granting the chain with meaning, De Kesel presents Encore as functioning like a point that reflects on Lacan’s former seminars. Like the earlier work, Encore (Still) portrays human beings as subjects of desire. Linking people’s unquenchable desire for satisfaction to feminine jouissance and the ecstatic experiences of mystics – a fleeting, momentary fulfillment of an endless desire for the absent (divine) lover – Encore states, once more, with another set of signifiers, that the hoped-for attainment of the object of desire – the signified meaning, closure must be suspended, yet again.
- 2017 - 4 - Varia
- 2020 - 4 - Teksten voor Diegene die het Aanbelangt
- 2020 - 3 - Taal en Psychoanalyse
- 2020 - 2 - Jaloezie
- 2020 - 1 - Psychoanalyse en het Duits Idealisme
- 2019 - 4 - Varia
- 2019 - 3 - Lacanian Psychoanalytic Technique Today
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- 2018 - 2 - Noting Less Than The Object a
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- 2017 - 3 - Einde van een Analyse
- 2017 -2 - Een Leven in Portretten: Lucian Freuds Visuele Autobiografie
- 2017 - 1 - Psychoanalysis and Philisophy
- 2021 - 4 - Varia
- 2021 - 2 - Psychoanalyse en Cinema
- 2021 - 1 - Manie en Melancholie
- 1981 - 1f - Devreese - Adelsstolz und Professorendünkel (2)
- 1981 - 1e - Devreese - Adelsstolz und Professorenduenkel
- 1981 - 1d - Schreberdocumenten I
- 1981 - 1c - Quackelbeen - Prolégomènes pour une Clinique Psychanalytique
- 1981 - 1b - Quackelbeen - Prolegomena voor een Psychoanalytische Ethiek
- 1981 - 1a - Inhoudsopgave