by Kimberly Van Nieuwenhove | Vol 36 (3) 2018
In this article, we discuss the current clinical guideline in trauma treatment which proscribes putting traumatic events into words. Via Lacan’s registers of the Real, the Imaginary and the Symbolic, we consider an alternative understanding of trauma in which subjective processes and the relationship between subject and Other are crucial in understanding the inability to process traumatic events. When, in that relationship, a dissatisfactory representational framework has been installed, therapy should focus on finding stabilization in a safe and supportive environment. In a case illustration, we elaborate on the situation in which the existing representational framework fails and how therapy encompasses a search towards another position in relation to the Other. We conclude that speech functions as an instrument, rather than as the finality of the cure.
by Marc Belderbos | Vol 31 (1) 2013
This paper deals with the “human”, or the “anthrop” establishing himself. Aiming at the “real” this text relates us to emptiness or to the Thing of both architecture and the human being. This text shows that architecture is an art that one can think of as being at the heart of the genesis of the human subject. Therefore it is an art that touches the real of that human who get stuck and then avoids signification. The author takes us from the very foundation of architecture through to what he calls the “infinition” of architecture. The text begins with “intentions” which briefly outline the foundations of the theory. He continues with “acceptations” which are woven through events, interrogations and the dialectic of the human being, reaching finally the indication of a certain direction given by the sense that senses without meaning. The paper ends with “propositions” establishing the poetics of the architectural stanza logically coupled to the genesis of the human. This opens the way, not to a reductive thought of architecture, but to the exigency to consider architecture as necessary to the genesis of the human being.