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Genesis of the commencement oblique côtoiement stances at distance / dis-stances

This paper deals with the “human”, or the “anthrop” establishing himself. Aiming at the “real” this text relates us to emptiness or to the Thing of both architecture and the human being. This text shows that architecture is an art that one can think of as being at the heart of the genesis of the human subject. Therefore it is an art that touches the real of that human who get stuck and then avoids signification. The author takes us from the very foundation of architecture through to what he calls the “infinition” of architecture. The text begins with “intentions” which briefly outline the foundations of the theory. He continues with “acceptations” which are woven through events, interrogations and the dialectic of the human being, reaching finally the indication of a certain direction given by the sense that senses without meaning. The paper ends with “propositions” establishing the poetics of the architectural stanza logically coupled to the genesis of the human. This opens the way, not to a reductive thought of architecture, but to the exigency to consider architecture as necessary to the genesis of the human being.

The Passage to the Verb

This paper discusses architecture and the place (lieu) not as conceptualised by philosophy, by physics or even popularly as a milieu, an environmental continuum but rather as the effect of an operation: An operation of division, of a cut, as psychoanalyst; an operation that gives birth to the subject as a place (lieu) and not as a substance. We are there in another universe which is not the one of the strong ego. An operation of inscription and a distancing of the impact of the real, according to the architect who generates with his work, emptiness where things have a place (avoir lieu). In other words, we will speak about space, which we conceive of as the effect of the passage of the signifiers (significant) (“S passe”), but also as the opening where the verb is passing which is holding us in its passage.

The infinitive augury

This paper on architecture and its effect on the subject tries to clarify the main arguments that support the title: “Architecture, infinitive augury”. Having established the argument –what is architecture about – and having indicated its essential aspects , the author strives to establish what is specific about architecture: Architecture does not exist; architecture consists. Architecture grounds the spirit. Architecture is real and is not realistic. Nothing of culture exists outside architecture. Architecture, inaugural event,… In the third part of the paper, entitled ‘subject of architecture’, the author treats this theme by traversing around fifty maxims which allows us to consider contemporary space and the subject as in-finite of an in-fini-tive architecture of pure “augury”. The main argument is probably the development of the statement by the architect Louis Kahn: “Purity lies in the incompletion.”

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